
Uncharted Kite Sessions – Cabarete

By ben

November 25, 2017

This past July Kevin Langeree rolled back into Cabarete for his 4th annual kite camp with Uncharted Kite Sessions. Like a well oiled machine Kevin and UKS put together an amazing week of kitesurfing in our home spot the Dominican Republic. We love Cabarete, and everything about it. So does Kevin, and so do our guests. Every year dozens of guests join us in Cabarete for our kite camps, and every guest to the person is amazed not only at how beautiful Cabarete is, but the entire island of Hispaniola.

Join us July 2018 for what will promises to be an unforgettable week of kiteboarding, food, laughter, friendship and memories that will last a lifetime.

Book your seat now!