Marit Nore: Using yoga to enhance sports performance

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If you want to take your riding to the next level, yoga might be the answer…

Yoga gives you flexibility that will give you style and help you reach the board and do grabs. Stretching and lengthening muscle groups like hips, hamstrings, calf muscles, and shoulders, will help you prevent common injuries that often occur in extreme sports athletes.

Yoga gives you a better posture. People with bad posture usually have poor proprioception, which has been linked to knee problems and back pain.

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Yoga builds muscle strength that will help you perform better and prevent injuries.

Yoga improves balance, leading to injury prevention. Balance is also helpful to improve your control and stability in action. Balance is crucial to landing tricks. Better balance could mean fewer falls, better style and less broken bones!

Yoga teaches us to focus. Regular yoga practise improves co-ordination, reaction time, memory and even IQ scores!

Yoga also improves your body awareness. That helps you notice more quickly if you're slouching or slumping, so you can adjust your posture.

Good for Your heart. Yoga has long been known to lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate.

Betters your bone health. Many postures in yoga require that you lift your own weight, which helps strengthen the bones. Yoga’s ability to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol may also help to keep calcium in the bones.

Yoga increases peace of mind. Not every competition or event in life will go as we hoped.

Develop your lung capacity and strengthen your cardiovascular system with yogic breathing techniques. You can kite for longer and shorten the recovery time!

Fulfills a healthy lifestyle. Stay active and fit forever!

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Yoga teacher Tonje Næss

Kite & Yoga retreats with Lapoint and Leela Yoga

It is easy to integrate yoga as part of your kiting. At our “Yoga and Kite” retreats, we can teach you how! Warm up with 10 minutes of dynamic stretching poses prior to your kite session. Finish the session with 10 minutes of static poses to give your body the optimal recovery. We start every morning with sports yoga to prepare the body for a long day of kiting.

Our next kite and yoga retreat is in the mountains, and this one is only for the girls!

However, this one is for boys and girls, all levels of riders:

Our Coach
Tonje Næss studied yoga teacher training at Absolute Yoga Academy in Thailand. During her education Tonje learned asana and pranayama practise, meditation, yoga anatomy and yoga physiology, Ayurveda, pedagogy, yoga history and yoga philosophy. Tonje is a certified Yoga Alliance instructor (RYT 200) in Vinyasa Flow yoga.

See you there!


Photos: Erik Bengtsson // Morgan Jones // Marit Nore

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Yoga teacher Tonje Næss

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