B4 Kitesurfing life was different. Now, over the last three years, together with an international team of certified instructors and a local team of beach assistants, Elif and Tiago managed to open two schools at the famous B4 Beach Club and B4 Boutique and be the first IKO school and teach in multiple languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, English, Swiss, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Arabic, and, most importantly, inspire and encourage students from all over the globe to change their lives by learning how to kitesurf at one of the most beginner kite spots in the world we know– Paje beach, Zanzibar.

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Elif and Tiago, the owners of B4 Kitesurf Zanzibar located in Paje Beach, are enthusiastic water people who like to get involved with everybody’s progression. Whether you’ve just started kiting or you’ve been kiting for years, Elif, Tiago and their team are the squad with the right atmosphere for kiters who want to progress and have loads of fun. Kitesurfing changed Elif and Tiago’s lives so they want to make sure it changes yours too.

Kiting Set Up

Elif loves to go out at low tide when the water is flat and the wind is fairly constant between 12 and 14 knots with a 11m kite to practice some freestyle. Tiago on the other hand prefers to go out at high tide when he can ride his foil or wing foil and head out to the reef and hit the waves 2km away from shore.

In a nutshell, the tides in Paje dramatically change the spot throughout the day: low tides are great for teaching and freestyle whilst higher tides are great for free riding or wave riding. It’s a wing foil paradise to ride the waves out there and if something happens our team beach assistants are always on the look out making sure you do not need us to call a rescue boat or jet ski.

When is best to go?

The windy season is split into two: the African Summer that goes from mid December to mid March, which is known as the Kaskazi, blows from the north at around 10-16 knots, most days between 12-16 knots.

Elif and Tiago’s favorite season though is the African winter that goes from June to mid October, but can start earlier in May. Known as the Kuzi wind blowing from the south, it is the stronger of the two and blows most days between 12-25 knots but averages between 15-18 knots. 

No wind?

Elif and Tiago will sort you out! They started in Zanzibar 7/8 years ago as kitesurf instructors so they know the place pretty well and they can hook you up to visit some nice hidden gems around the whole Island. They will firstly suggest you explore Stone Town as that was the place where they fell in love, seriously, just ask for their Stone Town guide they will then help you arrange everything for you.

There’s so much more: cave hopping, mangrove SUP rides, surfing waves at the reef, scuba diving, exploring vast communities of sea stars at low tide, catching a sea breeze on a traditional Zanzibarian Dhow, checking out the red monkeys at Jozanni Forest, renting a motorbike and discovering the corners of the island, well, long story short, there’s always something to do with or without wind.

Getting There

Idris is your guy, Elif and Tiago’s trusted driver. We can arrange pick up from the Abeid Amani Karume International Airport and in just 1 hour you will meet us in Paje at the south east coast of the island.

Kite Options

In the Jun-Oct season Elif would take a 8m and 12m whilst Tiago would use a 9m and 13m. (to foil a 9m and wing with a 6m).

In the Dec-Mar season Elif would ride a 11 and a 13m whilst Tiago 15m and 17m. (to foil a 11m and wing with a 8m).

Which Wetsuit?

Too hot for wetsuits! However, rashvests are a must for sun protection.


Kilimanjaro and Safari, the most popular local beers will cost 6000 tanzanian shillings (around 2 USD).

Typical Dinner

Street food can be as affordable as you want whilst restaurants will cost you around 20 USD. Octopus coconut curry is a must try local dish!

Late Night

Mondays: Coral Rocks
Tuesdays:  B4 Beach Club and Summer Dream
Wednesdays: B4 Boutique
Thursdays: Demani
Fridays: Bento jam session and Jambo
Saturdays: B4 Beach Club and Whynot?

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