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Ozone Zephyr V8 Ultra-X

Ozone welcome the Zephyr V8 Ultra-X, making light wind riding a blast on any board. 

Offering greater range, faster flying speeds and more reactive handling, the all-new Zephyr V8 Ultra-X further proves itself a class leading light wind freeride machine for any rider who wants to expand their time on the water, whatever their board of choice.

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What's New?


To squeeze extra performance from a kite in aerodynamically demanding light wind conditions, we didn’t just tweak an already evolved, smooth handling design. We first stripped things back to refine the entire airframe.

The Zephyr V8 Ultra-X now features more shaping detail that contributes to the cleaner overall sail profile.

The introduction of ‘Ultra-X’ lightweight materials has seen this powerful 17m kite experience a 17% weight reduction, which is crucial to its undoubtedly more sporty handling.

The V8 now delivers more forward drive and faster response in even lighter winds, while also offering more top end range comfort too, making it a seriously useful addition to your quiver.

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Find out more over at Ozone.com

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