Kite Academy – USA

We travelled the globe for kiting for seven years and Corpus Christi, Texas is one of the most consistently windy places we’ve ever been. We opened our location here for this very reason. We’ve taken all of our travelling experience and aim to provide a safe, fun and adventurous kiting destination. The Kite Academy offers a variety of kiting locations for both beginner and advanced riders. We have shallow water bays that are great for learning,deepwater spots for kitefoiling and wingfoiling,as well as gulf coast kite spots for wave action. Our consistent winds during the high season will almost guarantee you time on the water from sunrise to sunset.

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Outer Banks Kiting – USA

Kitesurfing has exploded at The Outer banks, North Carolina, and thousands of visitors are now flocking to this spot to experience the best kiting conditions in the country. This remote coastal location provides plenty of accommodation and amenities and the consistent breeze, warm waters and shallow sandy water makes it ideal for those learning or still getting to grips.

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